16 ISIS Militants get infected with HIV after Raping women

After allegedly raping two Moroccan "sex slaves," at least 16 fighters for the Islamic State have contracted HIV. When the fighters had sex with the women, they did not know they had HIV. Once the men discovered the information, the Moroccan women reportedly fled to Turkey, fearing execution.

The introduction of the disease into members of the terror regime has since caused widespread panic. As a result, Islamic State leaders recently decided they will “assign suicide attacks for militants who tested positive with HIV,” an activist told ARA News. In June, the extremist group reportedly executed an Indonesian fighter for knowingly spreading the disease. Even though the fighter knew he carried HIV before joining Islamic State group in 2013, he still passed it along to his 15-year-old Yazidi "sex slave" and donated his blood to a hospital run by the regime, ARA News reported. 

Consequently, two Saudi nationals who raped the sex slave and an Egyptian who received the fighter’s blood through transfusion all contracted HIV, reports Daily Mail. More could be infected. 

The Islamic State has been extensively testing its fighters in response to this recent health issue. A doctor working in a hospital in the Islamic State told an undercover journalist the group’s commanders “stressed the need to check each drop of blood transferred to Islamic State members,” according to the Daily Mail.Many of the hospitals in the Islamic State reportedly lack staff and equipment, including the tools necessary to detect HIV/AIDS.

The virus has easily spread within the regime because many of the extremists reportedly rape other fighters’ wives or sex slaves. As activists also shared, many in the group “are drug addicts or have criminal backgrounds,” the Daily Mail documents.

Source :Daily Mail